the builders

The Best Advice So Far - the builders I was wakened from a sound sleep by the ungodly grinding of a saw cutting through what sounded like concrete or metal right outside my bedroom wall. The whole place shook, setting the nearby jar candles to skittering. It was immediately clear that…

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The Best Advice So Far - elevator Whenever someone learns that I’m a writer, they inevitably ask the following two questions: What do you write? Who is your target audience? They’re reasonable questions. And you’d think that after a decade of professional writing, I’d have honed my elevator…

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white cotton briefs/underwear hanging on a clothes line I’ve always thought it a little strange that we as a culture are conditioned to believe that certain topics are taboo. Unmentionables, if you will. I’m not sure who decided what made The List. Perhaps it was the same unmentionable…

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Stylized sketched emoticons (happy, mad, crying, love) against random doodle background Yusif is a talented writer. He’s completed one novel. He’s several drafts into another novel and has two more in the works. I know Yusif personally. I’ve read his work. We’ve brainstormed together often.…

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we are the world

Paper dolls in a chain with world flags showing through My new book, TRIED & (Still) TRUE, just launched this past week. It’s been cause for much celebration. It’s also been cause for a major lack of sleep. And staying in sweats all day. And not showering some days (which, if you…

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where i’ve been

sketched montage of frog on a penny farthing bike, bugs on bikes, a cuckoo clock, key and derby hat Well, my poor blog has lain neglected for just over six months. In the past few years, such an absence would have been sure sign that I'd run afoul of some mysterious and prolonged…

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if i can do it today

if i can do it today - The Best Advice So Far - Barrel of Monkeys monkeys forming a chain across a blue sky I was a skinny kid with a big butt. Just calling it like it is. By skinny, I mean that I’ve been five-foot-nine since eight grade—haven’t grown an inch—and yet, when I graduated high…

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what if

Black and white drawing of nondescript person walking down a flight of seemingly endless spiral stairs “How are you?” “How’s it going?” “What’s new?” While I’ve often had full-blown, soul-bearing conversations result from my posing these simple prompts, the typical range of expected replies remains fairly limited:…

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