coffee klatch
My new friend Colleen was kind enough to have me over to her blog today for a virtual coffee and book chat—as well as her awesome review of "Alternate Reality".
It will help me... and Colleen (and YOU, I think!) if you'll pop over for a few minutes and check it out.
Most people who read my blog know me first and foremost as an author. So they are surprised when they learn that I do other things as well. (And conversely, those whose first dealings with me center on one of those other areas are always surprised to find that I’m also an author.)
Well, one of those…
less lonely
We’ve heard it a million times: “Bad news sells.” And we’ve certainly had more than our fair share of it lately, haven’t we?…
it’s a breeze
One day last week, I wished a friend of mine a happy birthday. He turned 30 and was feeling old. Interestingly enough, he was a sophomore in high school when I met him, and I was older than he is now. So I was…