I use the interjection “Yay!” a fair amount, though mostly in text messages.
Then there’s “Hooray!” which I say as well as write.
But far and away, my favorite exclamation is this one:
It just … sounds right (pronounced huh-ZAH, with the accent on the second syllable).
It looks right.
What’s more, it feels right, what with that buzzing double ‘zz’ and all.
It’s the kind of utterance that stirs speaker and listener alike, all but demanding a rousing stir of fist.
Aw, go on — say it. (You know you want to.)
I believe the first time I heard the word — or at least the earliest association I’ve made with it — was in an early film version of A Christmas Carol. Scrooge turns down his nephew Fred’s invitation to Christmas dinner with his telltale “Bah! Humbug!” After his ghostly change of heart, however, Scrooge shows up after all, upon which Fred exclaims, “Why, Uncle, you’ve joined us! Huzzah!”
And so, Huzzah feels Christmasy to me as well.
Need I further explain my penchant for using it?
Well, today I offer up a hearty Huzzah!
On New Year’s Eve of 2016, I set a goal for myself: to publish a post every week for 52 weeks. This post sees that goal fulfilled.
The thing is, this accomplishment isn’t just about writing.
You see, I’m a pretty determined and disciplined guy by nature. So writing a blog post a week isn’t necessarily all that big a deal in and of itself.
No, this Huzzah is a celebration of many more important things.
It’s a celebration of good health. You see for the year-and-a-half leading up to the holidays last year, I’d been extremely unwell, with a team of specialists unable to ascertain the problem, even as it daily worsened. Since solving the mystery on my own however, barring a couple bouts of recent bronchitis — and, of course, the black pill of death incident … oh, right, and the run-in with the hedge trimmer — I’ve had remarkably good health in 2017.
The return of good health brought back focus, stamina and creativity — all of which had seemed a distant dream almost, a part of myself long lost.
I take none of it for granted.
Meeting today’s blogging goal is also a testament to wonderful friends and family — and to you, dear reader, as well — for many an atta-boy, for sharing thoughts and stories of your own that sparked my imagination, for expressing the personal ways in which posts have encouraged you to make new choices or to remember loves lost, and for reminding me that what I do here matters.
So again, I say Huzzah!
Here’s to each of us creating many more reasons to celebrate in the year ahead.
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Huzzah, Erik. Here’s to another year with an abundance of happiness, good health, safe hedge-trimming, creativity, and friendship. <3
I’ll clink my glass to that, Diana. And 2018 also means I’ll get to read your next story (right?)…
Right!!! A few more months 🙂
Huzzah! 😀
May you continue to have good health, abundance and happiness in 2018 and beyond. May we all.🙏🎈
Thank you, Pam! All the best to you in 2018 as well!
Huzzah, Erik! Best wishes for this new year!
Thanks, John. I hope your new year is peaceful and exciting in the right ways and amounts.
Yay! WhooHoo!! Huzzah!! Um, just one little question. You’re going to set up the same goal for 2018, right? Because I really enjoy reading your posts.
Thanks, Pam. You’re sweet to say so (though I know you mean it).
I purposefully took a couple of weeks off here, because, knowing me and my perfectionistic tendencies, if I didn’t break the streak, I wouldn’t be able to really celebrate the completion of the old goal; it would just feel like a continuation of that goal. I don’t know if that makes sense, but it does inside of me. 😉
One of my many new goals is figuring out how to balance writing time on the new book with blog writing, as well as concertedly pursuing live speaking opportunities at a more intensified level. It’s my age-old problem: I want to do everything, 100%, and I still don’t know what I want to be “when I grow up.”
I know EXACTLY what you’re talking about. Diana of Myths of the Mirror is my role model. Somehow she visits so many blogs and writes helpful, encouraging comments on each. And yet somehow, she keeps cranking out amazing fantasy novels that are complex and extremely well-written, also.
I find that blog writing increases my writing capacity, if that makes any sense. Connecting with others in the blogosphere inspires me to write more words toward my novel, and to believe in myself and my characters. So, I find time in my life to do both, and hope at some point, to do it as well as Diana does.
So, that said, I hope you can blog and write your next book and give speeches and while doing so, you will realize that you are EXACTLY who you wanted to be when you were growing up. You are a giver and a creator. Huzzah!
You know, I knew you’d been prolific this year, but I don’t think I consciously recognized that you’d posted every week. That’s great, Erik — congrats! That deserves a moment of recognition. Like Don Roos says, being successful at writing is about setting realistic goals, fulfilling that obligation, and then crediting ourselves for doing so. Huzzah indeed!
Looking forward to more good stuff from you in 2018…
Thanks, Sean. I’m still figuring out the exact shape of those new goals; I just knew I needed to take a short blogging break, not because I have nothing to write about, but because otherwise, I’m the type who wouldn’t be able to “close out” the previous goal and celebrate it as its own thing. Should be back to it next week!