big kids: part 3 of 4
Last Thursday, I began a short blog series on some of the best parts of ourselves that may have accidentally (or even intentionally) been left in the past. Be sure to catch PART 1 and PART 2. Not only does PART 1 lay some important groundwork, they’re quick reads; and I believe you’ll find that the potential benefits outweigh the minimal time commitment.
3. Children are pretty comfortable just being themselves.
Kids don’t feel overly concerned about how their runny nose looks or about the grass stain on their pants.
To a certain age (before we condition them otherwise), boys don’t think anything of draping their arm around the neck of their best bud while walking down the street; and girls will toss their dolls aside to make an impromptu mud pie if the mood strikes.
They sing made-up songs on the swing or in a restaurant booth, without regard to who might be listening.
They put on roller-skating shows and dance in the living room.
They skip if it feels right.
They giggle and make faces in the mirror and experiment with character voices in conversations.
Then there are the adults. What happens to us? We stifle the giggles, look in every mirror we pass to be sure our hair is in place and there is nothing in our teeth, and adopt flat-lined voice tones with one another in order to appear “well-adjusted.”
And sing? Around other people? For no reason? Surely you jest …
Why do we become so concerned with being who others think we should be – instead of just being who we are?
Take a moment to remember the best parts of what you liked about being YOU when you were a kid. Are they still a part of the adult you? If not, consider ways you can integrate them back into the mix.
Take some chances.
Let your hair down.
Grab the squirt guns.
Make those silly faces.
Dance in the living room.
It’s your one life. Why miss the joy, trying to live someone else’s preferred version of it?
[Check back soon for the final post in this series on how to bring back the best parts of the childlike you.]
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My favorite one so far 🙂
I see what you did there with the “… so far.” Clever. I really appreciate your saying so, Justin. Small encouragements along the way make a big deal to a writer. Well, to people in general!